From the Brook: Things are Different Now
October 8, 2018
2 min read
Things are Different Now
by F’18 gapper Jeremy Edwards, October 7, 2018
This blog post marks the end of the first week of Phase Two. Our time in this phase is split primarily between Seminars, which are classes offered by Jake, Alison, and other Glen Brook staff, and Stewardship, where we spend time working with Glen Brook staff on the farm, in the grounds, or in the kitchen, helping them with whatever they are working on, as a way to participate in and give back to the community in a more whole way than we did in the previous phase. Some tasks that we’ve done include splitting wood to store for the winter, harvesting and storing fall crops, and chopping vegetables and processing the chicken for later use in the kitchen.
Seminars on the other hand, are chosen by us, the only requirement being that we have to have ten hours of them a week. Topics for these classes range from discussions about eco-philosophy with Jake, to classes about herbalism with Alison, to workshops on bread making and fermentation with Chef Taylor, along side our weekly writing and yoga meetings from Phase One. A key aspect of this phase is that it is meant to be self-directed. We take the classes we want, and we do stewardship in the aspects of the farm life that interest us the most. I think that will lead to this phase having the most impact on me, and the other gappers as well.